How to Grow & Scale Your Purpose-Driven Business?
3 days of Live Training to
Grow & Scale Your
Purpose-Driven Business 

Join us to get the PROVEN business strategies and the UNIQUE winning formulas that work ONLY for Purpose Driven Entrepreneurs like YOU!

Watch Nathalie’s message to know more about this Free Event
Fill in the form below to register to the FREE 3 Days Live Training on How to Grow & Scale Your Purpose Driven Business
It is happening on September 11th - 12th - 13th
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Are you…
What's working?

  • You are passionate and very dedicated in everything you do 
  • Your mission is to help others by sharing your gifts  
  • You are lovable, charismatic and a source of inspiration for others 
  • You are authentic and trustworthy
  • You are not afraid to show up as you are and be vulnerable 
What's NOT working?

  • You are not always manifesting the abundance that you would like to see in your business and in your life
  • You don’t always value yourself and sometimes you feel like you are an impostor
  • You don’t really like to be visible on Social Media
  • You don’t like to sell or push people to buy from you when it is not authentic 
  • You are in the emotional roller coaster with the ups and downs in your business

If you recognise yourself in some of the above points,
you are probably a Purpose Driven Entrepreneur and you are going to
LOVE these 3 Days of Live Training! 

Why this Training?

For as long as I can remember I have been Purpose Driven, I just did not know it.
I wish someone would have told me why I was always having the same challenges, and why I was always feeling inadequate and vulnerable.

I thought that something was wrong with me, that I was TOO sensitive, that I felt TOO much, that I was TOO dramatic, that I was not connected ENOUGH to the real world, that I lived in a parallel world, where people had hearts and souls, and were on this earth to do something that had a purpose, a meaning.

If I had known that it was OK to be like that, I would have accepted myself, and I would not have wasted so much time trying to hide who I really was and trying to be someone else.

But I did not know that…no one was there to show me that I was 100% normal, not only that, I was unique and I had so much to offer and “if only” I learned how to value myself and my gift, and I stayed true to myself, I would find the path that was RIGHT for me, AND I would do great things!

Today, I know that :) 
And I am so grateful to be doing what I love and to be successful at it, and I still always put alignment with my purpose FIRST.

But I had to learn the hard way.

And I don’t want this for you.

I want to lay the path for you so that you can see yourself in the mirror and see how beautiful you are from the inside out, because you are.

Maybe I don’t know you yet, but I recognize you, because if you landed on this page and if you are reading this, then you are like me. 

So I am inviting you to 3 special days where we will go on the journey of
discovering the uniqueness of having a Purpose Driven Business where I will show you how you can Grow & Scale your Business in a way that is ALIGNED with who you are, taking into account your specificity and not making the same mistakes I made, in the beginning, to try to do like everyone else!

I am offering you a customized shortcut to your success that I wish I had received! 

Are you coming?

I can’t wait to see you there!

With love & Blessings,

Nathalie Garson
05:00 PM Israel Time
04:00 PM CET
10:00 AM ET
07:00 AM PT

It is happening on September 11th - 12th - 13th
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What will you learn in those 3 days of Live Training?
Sunday, Sept 11th

Day #1
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What is a Purpose Driven Business and how can you turn it to your advantage?
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In Day#1, you will learn all about the definition and the specific characteristics of a Purpose Driven Business. You will understand how it is unique, special and different from any other business. You will get the Purpose Driven Entrepreneur Checklist of all the pitfalls to avoid and the different ways to, not only overcome potential challenges, but also to thrive as a Purpose Driven Entrepreneur.
Monday, Sept 12th

Day #2
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What is the optimal way to grow a Purpose Driven Business?
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In Day#2, you will get the Marketing Strategies that are especially successful for Purpose Driven Entrepreneurs. You will learn how to share authentically your story and your values in order to create an emotional connection and how to use Experience Based Marketing so that you naturally attract the ideal clients who are aligned with what you offer and that recognise your worth.
Tuesday, Sept 13th

Day #3
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How to reach exponential success with your Purpose Driven Business?
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In Day#3, we will go over the Purpose Driven Business Road Map to show you how you can continue to generate Ongoing Revenue, while at the same time work on your Exponential Impact Revenue Streams, that will allow you to be even more successful AND contribute in greater way.
What will you get?
At the end of those 3 Days of Live Training, you will: 

Finally, understand why you have been facing the same challenges over and over again without being able to overcome them


Have more awareness of what pitfalls to avoid (this is worth gold!) and know how to best use the magic of your Purpose-Driven Business

Feel your heart full of love and gratitude for who you are and for your unique special gifts 

Have renewed self-confidence in your Purpose-Driven Business and in your special power to be hugely successful and thrive


Learn the Marketing Strategies that are adapted to who you are and to your values


Know how to translate your purpose into concrete revenue streams that you can start to implement TODAY! 

How does it work

When & Where is it happening?

  • The 3 Days of Live Training are happening from Sunday, Sept 11th, until Tuesday, Sept 13th
  • The Lives will start every day at 5 pm Israel Time  [4 pm CET, 10 am ET, 7 am PT] and it will last for approximately one hour
  • Once you register below, you will be redirected to our Facebook Group where all the Lives are happening

What is happening during these 3 days?

  • You will have access to a full Training Session and will be able to ask questions during the Live
  • You will get a Workbook to take notes and do your Homework
  • You will be able to share your work and insights in the Accountability Check-In post
  • You will receive the Recordings of the Live Sessions by email every day

What to expect once you register?

  • In order to register for the Live Training you need to fill out the form below, it’s FREE!
  • Once you are registered, you will receive an email with everything you need to get started
  • You will need to join the Facebook Group in order to watch the daily Live Sessions

A little more about me

I am Nathalie Garson and I am the CEO and Founder of the Born To Do Business.

Since I started my business 10 years ago, I have empowered 100s of entrepreneurs to Grow and Scale their businesses.

I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs create an abundant lifestyle for themselves by doing what they are Born To Do and sharing it with as many people as possible in the world.

I can't wait to spend these 3 Days of Live Training with you! 

Here is what other entrepreneurs are saying:
“Over my 30 years in the field, I have learned from big names in the industry and I have to say that the 3 Days Live Training that I did with Nathalie was really one of the best training that I have ever taken! Nathalie's Trainings are packed with very valuable teachings, she doesn't withhold any information and she keeps you on your toes the whole time with new things to learn. I came out of this session with clear and concrete tools that I can use in my business and I now know how to apply them.”
Tzipora Elias
Founder, Pen and Chip Consulting
“Even though this is not my first Training Seminar I felt such a shift in my feelings- and I think that is my first step. Thank you so much Nathalie for bringing everything into perspective for me. I dug deeper than EVER before on what my thoughts and feelings are. All of the mindsets are critically important. I downloaded the document into word and listened again to the recording, and wow! it all really hit home. THANK YOU!”
Robin Rotfleisch
Polymer clay artist, Owner and CEO of
“Hi Nathalie! I just wanted to say thank you again for the 3 day training. Prior to the training I was really in a business slump - unmotivated, unclear, and lacking direction - now it is totally the opposite. I feel like I know what I need to do to start seeing more sales, and I cannot wait. Thank you again!”
Rachel Adler-Oren
Certified Facilitator of Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY)
“I wanted to thank you so much for the incredible training. This Training was a real eye-opener. There are so many other crucial aspects of the process I have never considered. Has been a real game changer! Nathalie was so dynamic and engaging the whole way through the training.”
Yal Bernstein Kossowsky
High School Search Consultant
“I realize that there are many gaps that I need to close (no pressure). I'm just glad that there are steps to follow so that I have direction. I'm done with the homework and am looking forward to this evening's Live Training.”
Annette Mashi
Co-Owner of Write Wizards
"This Live Training might have just been one of the best uses of my time ever! It was absolutely invigorating. I learned so much and came out with a real clear roadmap of where my business is headed and how to get there."
Miriam Koval
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

These 3 Days Live Training are 100% FREE
and you will have access to some of the content that I teach in my paid Programs 

Here is how to register

If this is resonating with you, fill out the form below to save your seat and you will receive confirmation of your registration by email.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions on the Live Training, please check if the answer is below, if not feel free to write to us at

 👉 How long is each Live Session?
Each Live Session will last between one hour to 90 minutes.
👉 What if I am not able to attend one of the Lives, would the recordings be available?

Yes, we will send you the recordings by email every day, but you will be able to receive the emails only if you register by filling out the form above.

👉 What if I don't have Facebook or I don't want to join the Facebook Group to watch the Lives?

You can still register and you will receive the links to the recordings of the Lives by email every day.

Copyright © 2022 