For as long as I can remember I have been Purpose Driven, I just did not know it.
I wish someone would have told me why I was always having the same challenges, and why I was always feeling inadequate and vulnerable.
I thought that something was wrong with me, that I was TOO sensitive, that I felt TOO much, that I was TOO dramatic, that I was not connected ENOUGH to the real world, that I lived in a parallel world, where people had hearts and souls, and were on this earth to do something that had a purpose, a meaning.
If I had known that it was OK to be like that, I would have accepted myself, and I would not have wasted so much time trying to hide who I really was and trying to be someone else.
But I did not know that…no one was there to show me that I was 100% normal, not only that, I was unique and I had so much to offer and “if only” I learned how to value myself and my gift, and I stayed true to myself, I would find the path that was RIGHT for me, AND I would do great things!
Today, I know that :) And I am so grateful to be doing what I love and to be successful at it, and I still always put alignment with my purpose FIRST.
But I had to learn the hard way.
And I don’t want this for you.
I want to lay the path for you so that you can see yourself in the mirror and see how beautiful you are from the inside out, because you are.
Maybe I don’t know you yet, but I recognize you, because if you landed on this page and if you are reading this, then you are like me.
So I am inviting you to 3 special days where we will go on the journey of discovering the uniqueness of having a Purpose Driven Business where I will show you how you can Grow & Scale your Business in a way that is ALIGNED with who you are, taking into account your specificity and not making the same mistakes I made, in the beginning, to try to do like everyone else!
I am offering you a customized shortcut to your success that I wish I had received!
Are you coming?
I can’t wait to see you there!
With love & Blessings,